Preliminary Exercise

So in groups of 3, we all took part in a preliminary exercise. It had to contain match on action, shot reverse shot and the 180 degree rule. It was quite amusing filming it and i enjoyed working with Rich and Beckey especially as all 3 of us got along.

Here are our story boards:

And hopefully, i’ll have the filming up pretty soon as well!

Overall, i think all the filming came together really well although the mic was a little disappointing as it didn’t always pick up what was said and i think Rich and Beckey would agree.

The feedback we received from this was that we did the 180 degree rule wrong by filing on the opposite side to what we should have. After getting the feedback, we can see where we went wrong and understand the ways in which to get it right 🙂

Sooooooooooo, here’s the new one!