Evaluation question 6!!

What have you learnt about the technologies from the process of constructing this product?

What have i learnt? I’ve learnt absolutely LOADS. How to use a mac, how to use the programs on the mac, how much time and planning these things take and using the equipment….

Final Cut!

Well, considering I’ve never used this program before, I think I’m warming to it quite well…

There are so many little things to remember such as little keyboard shortcuts, controls etc! But it is majorly important that you do remember them because if you don’t, well then you’re going to find yourself stuck. So yeah, it’s all good that i am getting used to it. There are so may little things that go into making a film and to find out that Final cut doesn’t manage to fix everything (e.g. lighting when filming against a window). It has been a challenging experience but also an interesting one. I have learnt a lot through using it and all the possible opportunities that you face whilst doing it and that once you’ve finished and can see the finished product, the amount of satisfaction and happiness you get from watching what you’ve achieved is great!

The one thing with Final Cut that i didn’t like was the colour correcting! Having to do each clip one by one made it incredibly hard to match the colours up! However, we did manage to get it so that the change in colour wasn’t all that noticeable, I think obviously, as we were working on it pretty much everyday the differences stood out to us like a sore thumb making us dislike it and get really annoyed with it more than what it would have anyone else. 

Live Type!

Live type is something that again, i have never used before. However, i do find it easier than Final Cut. You can create some really good and effective titles on this program! I did enjoy this part of the task! It made me feel creative 😛 

I think that the titles are what make films look so much more professional! And there are so many of them! 

It’s always good to learn how to use new programs and expand your knowledge! As I have already said, I did enjoy using Live Type and I am more than happy to carry on experimenting with its different effects etc! 

Here are a few of the titles used in Breaking Reality… 

Word Press!

This again, like all the others, was completely new to me! I’ve never done anything to do with blogging… ever! I don’t really like blogging, especially after this week – it takes so long <– This is a major reason as to why I probably don’t like it! I do seem to be quite lazy when it comes to it but what has to be done, had to be done! But then again, I guess this is something new so i’ll probably end up warming to it! 


Oh my Lord! Macs! They’re SO confusing! They take a LOT of getting used to! All the little keyboard shortcuts… there are so many to remember! But after a while, you start to get used to them, thank goodness! I learnt a new one today… the hash tag! On the macs, it’s ALT and where as on a normal computer, it’s obviously the hash key – #. At first, i absolutely hated the macs but now that i’m using them on quite a regular basis, i can say they aren’t as bad as initially thought. 


Lastly, the equipment! AND i can happily say, yes! I have used this sort of stuff before! The cameras, thankfully, weren’t anything new to me. I liked using them! It was fun! Knowing that you are in the process of using this type of stuff to create something rewarding at the end of it just makes the experience all that bit better! 

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