Romantic Comedy Idea

So in the past few lessons, we’ve had to think of and create ideas for a romantic comedy.

My group came up with the idea to do American romantic comedy as we thought that more well known actors/actresses come from there. We came up with a title like ‘For Richer, For Poorer‘ because, basically the film is about a very wealthy young boy and a poor girl who become best friends as the girls mother is hired as a nanny for the young boy as during childbirth, his mother died. The two young children become best friends as the young girl used to go to work at the rich mans house with her mother on weekends and during holidays. As the years appear to have gone by, it is clear that their feelings between one another change into more serious feelings.

Despite the feelings between the pair, the boys father openly disagrees with their feelings and forbids a relationship between the boy and girl. This is because, when the father was younger, he fell in love with a girl who was less wealthy but his parents disagreed with this and therefore, as he wasn’t allowed it, he feels his son isn’t either. His feelings and attitude towards his son and the girl are seen as spiteful. However, the young girls mum believes that wealth, social class etc shouldn’t get in the way of love.

We decided that this so far was a typical romantic type of film so to add humor to the film we decided to maybe have a gay friend of the young boy who would get jealous of the relationship between the young boy and girl as secretly, he has a crush on the young boy. And so, we thought to use different scenes that could possibly invite a humors pitch to it. Also, to have the two young boys playing, one with an action man, the other with a barbie – makes the identification between the gay friend and the straight one clear to the audience.

The aim of the film is show that the boy and girl also agree with how the mother thinks – how social class, wealth etc shouldn’t get in the way on love and that even though the father, at first disagrees with their feelings, he soon realises that the love between the two main characters stands for so much more than what he was taught as a young boy.

We thought that the young boy and his father could live in a typical big, posh house  with perfect decor etc –

We haven’t yet decided on a cast for the film as we have a wide selection to chose from but we have decided we need for the main sort of characters –

  • a young boy,
  • young girl,
  • older boy and girl (for when the young boy and girl have grown up),
  • the mum/nanny and
  • the father.

We were thinking well known actors/actresses for these genre of films. Also, we were thinking of having a target audience of young teenage girls and young adults making our film a 12a certificate.

My group and I decided that possibly for the first two opening minutes it would start by going straight into the film and have the characters speaking – the mother telling the young girl to hurry etc. It would show the mother (nanny) rushing about as she’s late for work (this bit would be filming her in her lounge rushing out through her front door on the rough street that she lives on. Once she’s out of her house she runs down the street to catch the tram, her daughter following.

Then for it to cut to the mother and daughter sat on the tram. The camera focuses on the young girl peering out the tram window (being shot from outside) and for the song “Billionaire” – Travie Mccoy to start playing. We chose this song because it consists of the lyrics “i want to be a billionaire so frickin’ bad” which could represent the young girls feelings as she is peering out onto the rough streets of where she lives, going on to the richer part of New York, where the young boy and his father live as she aspires to be ‘better off’ one day, not to have be poor and live in a rough area all her life, as though she is reflecting on her life. During the tram journey, we’d have the titles etc coming up.

Lemony Snicket’s – A series of Unfortunate Events

So changed my mind from doing Juno and did Lemony Snicket’s – A series of Unfortunate Events instead with Grace and Beckey…

There is animation throughout the first 2 opening minutes as well as dark colours.

00:00 – Blank, black screen


00:03 – Directed by Brad Silberling


00:20 – Screenplay by Robert Gordon


00:26 – Based on the books ‘The Bad Beginning. The Reptile Room and The Wide Window” by Lemony Snicket


00:31 – Produced by Lauri MacDonald, Walter F. Parkes


00:49 – Produced by Jim Van Wyck


00:54 – Executive producer Scott Rudin


00:59 – Executive producer Barry Sonnerfield


01:05 – Executive producer Julia Pistor, Albie Hecht


01:11 – Director of photography Emmanuel Lubezeki ASC AMC


01:18 – Production designer Rick Heinrichs


01:25 – Edited by Michael Kahn A.C.E


01:30 – Costumes designer by Colleen Atwood


01:37 – Music by Thomas Newman


01:49 – Co-producers Minor Childers, Scott Aversano


01:54 – Associate producer Linda Hill


2:00 – Visual effects Supervisor Stefen Fangmeier

Preliminary Exercise

So in groups of 3, we all took part in a preliminary exercise. It had to contain match on action, shot reverse shot and the 180 degree rule. It was quite amusing filming it and i enjoyed working with Rich and Beckey especially as all 3 of us got along.

Here are our story boards:

And hopefully, i’ll have the filming up pretty soon as well!

Overall, i think all the filming came together really well although the mic was a little disappointing as it didn’t always pick up what was said and i think Rich and Beckey would agree.

The feedback we received from this was that we did the 180 degree rule wrong by filing on the opposite side to what we should have. After getting the feedback, we can see where we went wrong and understand the ways in which to get it right 🙂

Sooooooooooo, here’s the new one!

A little bit more to do with This is England

I have seen this is England a few times and seen majority of the Series This is England ’86. I quite enjoy the film and the series. The series is still very much like the film the only difference is that Shaun is no longer part of the group and of course, a lot older and a few others in the group appear to have more of a chance to speak up and act, a chance to be recognized. In the first few clips we watched from the series, things seem a lot more sexual than that in the film.   He is back at home with his mum being nagged to get a job. He comes across with the type of attitude that he doesn’t care… he doesn’t want a job, he cant be bothered to do well in school (as shown in the clip where Shaun is in his final exam).


Sweded Titanic

Finally gotten round to posting about my sweded film ‘Titanic’. I must say, filming it was pretty fun, there were a good few laughs during it. I think everyone in my group did really well and worked well together. Doing Media at GCSE, we never got the chance to do any filming or editing so it was a good experience. 







Yay! Got the film now 😀